Reader’s Voice: Aurora can revert: Place for all

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March 13, 2023
Dear editor;

“I Sold my Soul to the Company Store.”

That is the title to an old song often sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford. I thought it describes very well our current City Hall government in Aurora. With its rules of loyalty, a specific lingo, and misuse of funds it is more a Company than government of, for, and by the people.

Most businesses brought to town incur the loyalty pledge which includes words and cash. The profiteers are the Company over the will of the people, especially the every-day folks.

How many realize the amount of our money that goes to bring businesses here and then continues to support them? How many businesses would stay open downtown without your money supporting them? How much has this enriched owners and a variety of City personal pockets? I spoke with the Casino owners a while back and they had no interest in moving until the mayor made a trip offering millions to move. The owner is known for his pocketing funds for himself and stockholders, a recent article related. What exactly are the demographics that will attend the Casino as it will draw from a limited area due to others expanding. Will it become another eyesore in Aurora of something that didn’t go, but enriched the elite? Batavia Schools thanks Aurora because the property is in their tax base.

As we can see from the deregulation during Donald Trump’s presidency, problems have occurred with bank failings and two major train derailments recently. It may take a while, but City Hall’s deregulations on construction especially on the downtown area will show faults sooner or later. The Tribune calls the Paramount an oasis in the middle of the desert.

What is the City Hall’s obsession with being famous? True fame comes naturally and how many residents see the need for fame here? If one looks back into our history this is a common theme that has come and gone only to return. Many an entertainment plan, hotel plan, development plan, have come and gone to bring fame with success, never seen to fruition. City Hall has become an entertainment venue.

If the mayor is sold out on Aurora and its greatness, why has he made plans to take his business to Oak Brook after serving as mayor? If he is so sold out, you would think he would want to stay.

As stated, it is a Company Store now with gimmicks and giveaways of taxpayer funds that often revert to the pockets of the elected or businesses. You can be a part, but as the song says you must sell your soul to the company store and go along to get along. Since I refused even the subtleties of going along with all of it, I feel free to speak. I do ask that City Hall does not once again use its tactics to marginalize and harass any taxpayer who speaks up, it is a real sign of immaturity.

My hope is that through elections and accountability that Aurora can revert to a government entity instead of a Company Store and be a place for all of us.

Marjorie Logman, Aurora

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