Reader’s Voice: Be wary of gaslighting

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April 27, 2023
Dear editor;

I think that gaslighting in the City of Lights (Aurora) needs to be addressed. Gaslighting is a way of twisting truth with a finesse about it. It uses hyperbole to get you to believe what is not exactly true. In America, the big one is that all elected officials are smart because they are elected and have your best interest at heart. The only consistency I have found is that they know how to wave when their name is called as we wait for an event to start.

The most recent example I witnessed was quite recently. Some Aurorans have had their skepticism arise with all the development going on and have decided to see if that skepticism was valid. They published their findings that proved their suspicions true. The next day City officials wrote an article saying essentially believe us, not them because we know better. A great example.

Another one awhile back was the Wayside controversy. The children are in danger, and we must save them. It was not true. Wayside residents are not a threat to Aurorans. What they are a threat to is the Magic Kingdom they are trying to build downtown. Wayside folks don’t fit the bill. City Hall did not win though. Wayside went through needless stress and now McCarty Park looks like a jail.

After interviewing folks who live downtown, I find they say the same three sentences about the wonders of it. If you ask for clarification the same words come back. I wonder if it is in the lease agreement. If you question exactly who and what is behind the development of downtown you are labelled a naysayer and uncaring about the future of our great town. It is meant to make you feel guilty and ignore the cash, bulging out of officials and developers’ pockets.

Try having a discussion with those who are doing restoration on buildings about technique and expertise. Suddenly, there is an immediate need to leave you. I am sure that those who are all ready having issues with apartments downtown have been labelled naysayers.

Some at City Hall make sure those who are legitimately skeptic are labelled as being against the great progress we are making and should be shunned in public for the good of Aurora. Gaslighting at its best.

The new one is that we are bringing new people to Aurora to change the old narrative. This one is hard to combat. What they are doing, I believe, is filling them with their tales before those who understand what is happening get to them.

Being a gaslighter is tempting because it gives a sense of power and prestige that in the end proves shallow.

Looking at the good, while denying the legitimate negative is gaslighting, not only in Aurora but much of America today. When you are in a boat with them and someone yells, water is coming in and they say otherwise be careful. They have brought one-man rafts to save themselves before the ship goes down.

From a labelled naysayer and proud of it

Marjorie Logman, Aurora

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