Reader’s Voice: Bill Foster protects rights

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September 29, 2022
Dear editor;

In July, U.S. representative Bill Foster (11th Dist.) cast a “yes” vote in support of the Right to Contraception Act (HR 8373).

As background, June 24, a reporter asked U.S. representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). “Justice Clarence Thomas said he wants to revisit the Supreme Court’s earlier decisions on…contraceptives. What do you think of that?” McCarthy responded, “The Supreme Court is a separate branch of government. They can look at whatever comes before them.”

McCarthy did not protect your access to birth control. He prefers legislation by Court decisions.

Then in July, Democratic Party House members initiated and passed the Right to Contraception Act along party lines.

There were 228 ayes, including Foster’s vote. There were 195 nays, all from Republicans. Republicans would not protect your right to use sterilization, condoms, and more items.

If they win a majority in the November elections, they are prepared to outlaw birth control.

Whether birth control becomes forbidden by future legislation, or a U.S. Supreme Court decision, the Republicans’ intentions are clear. They want the government to: snoop into your private life, mock the sanctity of your marriage, outlaw your family-planning decisions, trample on your personal liberties, and gut your constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

The Republican Party’s biggest fear before November 8 is that voters will learn The Republican Party is Against Birth Control.

What about Catalina Lauf, Bill Foster’s Republican opponent?

The issues section of her website is very thin. She shows no position on birth control. She fears losing support from Republican families who believe their right to use birth control must protected.

Without being open on this issue, Catalina is a dangerous wild card. The risks are too high; so I cannot vote for her. Can you?

Please reelect Bill Foster, a tested protector of our rights.

Bill Fleming, Naperville

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