Reader’s Voice: Candidates’ forums in Kane County

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July 30, 2024
Dear editor;

As the General Election season is in full swing, the League of Women Voters of Central Kane County is in the process of scheduling forums for area candidates in contested races for Kane County, IL General Assembly and US Congress.

Forums are designed to provide a safe space for candidates to share their views on issues of importance to the voting public. The League of Women Voters strives to promote an opportunity for information to be presented in a nonpartisan, neutral setting, that benefits the voting public. A candidate forum can clearly be seen as a job interview. Campaign stops, glad handing, ads, flyers, and stump speeches absolutely do not serve the same purpose.

The forums will be held at Batavia City Hall and will be open to the public, and will follow established League processes and rules. BATV will be present to air the forums on their YouTube channel. They will be available after the forums on our website and on the Illinois Voter Guide,

Please watch for upcoming information on specific races and forums in the future.

Llona Steele, Tammy Caltagirone, and Patti Lackman, Co chair-vice presidents, League of Women Voters of Central Kane County, Leadership Team

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