Reader’s Voice: Democrats helped elect Republicans

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December 1, 2024
Dear editor;

I waited three weeks before writing this to see how Democrats reacted to the election. My wife can confirm that I had been telling friends a month prior to the election that this could be 2016 all over again. I had been getting my news from Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the Beacon News. We did not watch TV on election night and I must admit, that I was just as surprised as everyone else that the election was called so early.

There are many reasons why Harris lost the election due to the Democrats contributions. The least being the fact that she is brown / black and female as they tried to convey in many different reports. I truly believe most don’t care, if they’re competent. Let’s start from the beginning of the Democratic fall from power. This is my short version.

I could not understand why Harris was picked for Joe Biden’s VP from the start. I understand they felt a black woman might help, but there were other choices. You already have California so why not pick one from another state that you really needed. I recall one black female from the southeast that came across as very intelligent, very well spoken and without being rehearsed. I was impressed! Maybe she would have been hard to control if Biden could not finish his term?

Next, they tried very hard to convince voters that Biden was in control of his faculties when the rest of the world knew differently from our own observations. They were lying straight to our faces and we knew that. Then Harris was labeled the border czar and did nothing, but opened the flood gates and tell all of us the border was secured. I know one thing: If Texas governor Greg Abbott hadn’t sent the illegal’s around the country, Democrats would not know about it. The main media hid that as long as possible. Again we knew they were lying to us.

I truly believe Democrats felt very entitled over the past seven years with their actions, especially with no consequences for any of them. The main news media and the DOJ carried all of the water for them. Russia collusion, impeachments, Hunter Biden laptop by the FBI, all proven to be factually wrong. Then 100 days out from the election, the Democratic had a melt down over Biden’s cognitive decline which they all new and couldn’t conceal any longer.

A week prior he was totally fit. Finally the main news media and prominent Democrats were demanding he step down. Let’s be clear, he was forced out!

Now the Democrats have a dilemma that they created. They have no choice now but to back the gift that just keeps on giving when she speaks, Harris!

They should have taken the other choice! If they don’t back Harris, they probably will lose the Biden hardcore voters and they will probably lose the first black female president voters. That’s why they had no open convention. Harris was anointed and not picked by the people. Then the Democrats picked the worst choice for vice president.

I don’t think calling Republicans deplorable, racist, and garbage helped, or Obama talking down to black male voters.

Democrat commercials telling wives to lie to their husbands, Hispanic males wouldn’t vote for a woman, and Morning Joe stating on national TV, “who raised these people”, just to mention a few. Let’s not forget, Mexico just elected their first female president.

The Obama’s, Oprah, and all of the other star power have now lost all credibility over trying to portray Harris as something she is not, competent. Now we learn the star power showed up because they were paid millions! The Democrats raised more than $1.4 billion, lost all seven swing states, lost the popular vote, lost the presidency, lost the Senate and perhaps worst, their dignity.

They spent all that money in 100 days and are now reported as being 20 million in the red. Everyone should be glad the Democrats lost with spending like that! Maybe think twice before donating the next time. Here’s a concept, just do right by the citizens, do what you promise and you won’t need all of that money.

After losing the election, the Democrats still have no desire to close the border, but only get as many more here as possible before Donald Trump takes over. Remember Harris stating she would close the border if elected. Sanctuary cities still promise to fight ICE. Now that’s a consequence of your actions. Thank God they lost!

I know Democrats might not believe this, but you started the chaos by coming after him before even being elected. He only responded back. If he hadn’t had the money and the fortitude to fight back, he would have been gone long ago. So, if you’re tired of the chaos, I agree with you when you say let’s turn the page.

As for the main steam media, which most people now have little faith in, hopefully you learned a lesson here, and return back to true journalism and report the news rather than try to make the news.

They say woke might be gone. Hopefully that’s true by playing the National Anthem again prior to all sporting events, on TV. I miss my professional football.

As for the Democratic leadership, you spent eight years trying to divide this country and in the last 100 days prior to the election, you helped the Republicans win the election. Who knows, in a quirky way, you may have started to unite us.

Robert Mangers, veteran, Yorkville

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