January 16, 2023
Dear editor;
Usually Donald Trump brags about having the most and the biggest, the most money, the most wives, the biggest, tallest, buildings, all the while being the biggest liar, at least until George Santos landed in Kevin McCarthy’s slim majority in Congress.
It was unusual when Trump didn’t brag about the big pile of secret classified documents he had squirreled into boxes on his way out of the White House until we found out about them. Then he wanted us to know he had a lot of them that he wouldn’t return because they were his. He already had magically declassified them just by thinking it.

Now a few documents have been found in president Joe Biden’s possession which he immediately turned over to the DOJ (Department of Justice).
Trumplicans want us to believe that what Trump did is the same thing. That’s what you call a false equivalency, an informal fallacy in which an equivalency is drawn between two subjects based on flawed, or false reasoning. But what the heck, let’s give it to the big dog, the biggest liar.
The truth will out.
Judy Siedlecki, Oswego