Reader’s Voice: Free enterprise, not government best means

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September 15, 2018
Dear editor;
In recent weeks, more than a few syndicated columnists bluntly have asked “Will Americans vote socialism this November?”

But, with all major media voices firmly in the liberal socialist fold, all the American people get to hear and read is that particular political vein. Conservative has been made semi-successfully into a dirty word. Tell a radical lie often enough, long enough, and inevitably it will be accepted as the truth. But the socialism being championed in the Nation today means control, and that is diametrically opposed to individual freedom.

If you think socialism is the way to live, that it’s superior to what all others give, the essence of how socialism operates is illustrated here in the United States.

It is you, the people, who support the strengths and structuring of charities galore, and that is socialism as it’s meant to be, not government, or autocratic policy.

You are the sole supports. In fact your claim to fame, for social programs are much too numerous to count. On top of that, you are responsible for much of everything in daily life you see and touch.

America, in ways and means, both bold and wise, has been the world’s best champion through free enterprise. When you control the money earned, and how it’s spent, supporting social programs is a main event.

The final word is this: Control. It means when you are in control of what you earn the social programs you advance will not be tossed politically around and missed. The socialism you now think you want with verve, is not the preference you want or should deserve.

Destroy free enterprise, you will weep; you have destroyed the very thing you want to keep.

The freedoms built into America’s forte obscure the benefits these assets can display. America’s benevolence is not obscure; it’s social graces are both laudable and pure.

Free enterprise is both the how and why we live, the force enabling our ability to give. But that means we will dictate how our money’s spent, not being at the dictates of a government.

For government was not the one which harnessed steam. Nor was the railroad born of a dictator’s dream. No matter where you look, or pick a time-slot when, this Nation blossomed through uncommon common men.

So government is what you do not want indeed, in terms of it determining your every need. So do not lose your given right to make a choice; it is your ability to give that gives you voice!

Richard Williams

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