Reader’s Voice: Fun and unity at Aurora pride parade

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June 26, 2018
Dear editor;
The June 17 Aurora Pride Parade, in my opinion, turned out to be an unmitigated success for two reasons: Unity and fun. Next year it should be even more fun.
The pride parade drew important politicians such as governor Bruce Rauner, congressman Bill Foster, and Aurora mayor Richard Irvin who made the pride parade happen. Participating were corporations such as Com Ed. Its telephone truck float helped electrify the high voltage marchers and observers. Aurora bicycle and muscle police were there to protect First Amendment rights.
News reporters and ordinary citizens, including me, were there to have fun and proclaim unity at a time when so many forces in America promote destructive divisions no one needs.
Next year I hope the pride parade will be called the Pride Unity Parade.
June 17 I never saw so many catholic, with a small c, individuals of such broad-minded liberal views accepting everyone’s beauty on its own merit and embracing the diversity that built the U.S..
The pride unity parade definitely had a patriotic message and was a good lead up to the Fourth of July parade that celebrated government by, for, and of the people in the Land of Lincoln.
Larry Casagram

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