Reader’s Voice: Love the answer to Reader’s Voice

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June 23, 2023
Dear editor;

“Woke 101: Is Marxism in America?” That question seemed trivial to me until I read Mary Ann Curtis’ letter in The Voice June 15, Reader’s Voice. She introduced herself as a Marxist Feminist who has distributed the Freedom Socialist newspaper for more than 50 years, “building unity among the working class and our allies….”. Obviously, she is opposed to capitalism; but Mary Ann throws out the baby with the bath water.

“Marxist Feminists see the family as a tool of capitalism and that it is capitalism not men who oppress women. They see the family as oppressing women while supporting capitalism in three ways.

“Women reproduce the workforce” (have babies) “and socialize them into a social hierarchy.” [Remember the communist system where women work and state schools indoctrinate children from an early age.]

“Women absorb the anger of men” frustrated by their alienation and exploitation.

“Women are a reserve army of cheap labor that can be activated when needed and let go when no longer needed.” Above are excerpts from writings of Saul Mcleod—PhD.

I hesitate to get into political/philosophical debates, but the deterioration of families as a governing unit of society over the past two generations has brought chaos to our Country.

The denigration of women at home raising their children has left empty mansions where children fend for themselves, or roam the streets looking for love and attention. There are no common ground rules for behavior which creates a void which the Marxist Feminist would love to fill.

I lived through World War II. At school we collected paper and scrap metal to buy war bonds. My aunt served as an army nurse with General Patton in Africa. My dad taught navigation to sailors in San Francisco. My friends’ brothers were in combat. Then my friends were called up to fight and die in Korea and Viet Nam. I saw the Berlin Wall come down, and Polish and Lithuanians and Hungarians, among others risking their lives for freedom from communist oppression.

Through it all the War Machine moves ever onward, although in the 1950s a communist newspaper declared they would conquer the United States with drugs, not bullets. That is working out pretty true to form.

I do believe the teachings of Jesus are the way to peace. The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are pretty plain. Nothing fancy such as St. Paul. If you have read this far, I hope you see that you are more than an ism or “AI”. You are flesh and blood with a brain created by One who cries out for peace and justice in a world gone cold. Make a difference. Love your neighbor.

author: The Eye of God, A Fisherman’s Tale, Nursery Rhymes Your Mother Never Taught You, When the World Changed, A Revolutionary Peace.

Marilyn Giese, Aurora

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