Reader’s Voice: MAGA members not to be feared

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September 16, 2022
Dear editor;

It needs to be spoken. It needs to be replied, too. Joe Biden chose to spend most of a recent speech time on insulting and fearing MAGA or Ultra MAGA Republicans. He held up his fist when he described these tax-paying Americans as extreme and dangerous to our democracy. I would like to respond to president Joe Biden.

The silent majority is MAGA. Joe did get that right! We are among you. MAGA are your parents, teachers, grandparents, and veterans, of this great Nation. The MAGA community are survivors of COVID who remained calm and used common sense judgment throughout the entire lockdown. MAGA delivered groceries to those locked down due to immunities or illness. MAGA continued to drive trucks, fix broken toilets, zip up body bags, preach to parishioners who desperately needed guidance. MAGA courageously held the hands of their elderly through plexiglass and were host to weddings and funerals for their children with courage. MAGA continued to report to work each day. MAGA spoke of the truths when mainstream media did not want you to hear it! MAGA continued to support troops and first responders.

MAGA was silent until they were forced to become louder. MAGA did not attack your cities. MAGA did not injure your police officers. MAGA did not march in your streets violently during Summer 2020. MAGA ask questions of everything which the Constitution allows. MAGA protect human rights by demanding common sense protection for these vulnerable populations. MAGA become involved organically, not through compensation or notoriety. MAGA will stand and speak about our country’s inconsistencies and keep our arms wide open to accept any good will Republican who wishes to live in a society of law and order with Constitutional conveyance. This describes MAGA! Unapologetically MAGA!

Becky Nelson, Plano, Stamp Act PAC

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