Reader’s Voice: Needed: Guts, brains, to change

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July 22, 2022
Dear editor;

Imagine a tax that confiscates one-half of the purchasing power of your entire life savings in less than eight short years!

That’s what the current 9.1% inflation rate is doing to you and your family’s financial security.

It cuts the purchasing power of your current wages by one-half in just eight years. Pay more, work harder, save more frugally . . . get a lot less! Is this enough for us, as neighbors and Americans, to take action?

What’s the problem. . . what/who caused it. . . how do we fix it? Do we have the guts and brains to change?

American Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman simplified the definition of inflation, such as housing, gas, grocery, interest rate costs, spiraling out of control: Too much money chasing after too few goods. Too much government money printing (monetary policy), borrowing and spending (fiscal policies), while production is being strangled by supply chain and labor shortages.

Have you had enough of higher gas prices, shocking grocery store cost increases, mortgage rate increases, and your life being made unnecessarily harder? All this didn’t happen by accident over the last year and a half.

Every executive and legislative branch of government in Washington, D.C., Illinois, and Kane County is now controlled by politically-clever, radicalized-extreme so-called progressive Democrats. Please check that reality. . . U.S. presidency, Senate, and Congress . . . Illinois governor, Senate, and House . . . Kane County chairman and Board.

Do we have the guts and brains to change what’s obviously not working?

Very sincerely,

Chris Lauzen, Former IL State Senator and Kane County Board Chairman, Candidate, Kane County Treasurer

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