March 24, 2025
Dear editor;
Kane County voters:
The Consolidated General Election is Tuesday, April 1. Polls will open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m..
If you want more details about the election or to see a sample ballot, you can search for “Kane votes” and be taken to the official website of the Kane County Clerk’s office ( Click on “Election” and then “Sample Ballots” and enter your name and your address number only or your street only (not your whole street address. That doesn’t work!). New changes in Kane County make it so that you can vote at any election polling place in Kane County. Kane County is doing everything we can to make voting easy and fair.

Early voting has already started and will keep going until Monday, March 31. For more about early voting sites you can go to Or go to “Kane Votes” and click on “Early Voting.”
If you are voting by mail, the return ballot must be postmarked no later that April 1. You still have time to get your vote-by-mail ballot into the mail.
Be sure to go to the bottom of your ballot and please consider voting “yes” on the Public Safety Sales Tax Referendum, for a stronger, safer Kane County.
Thanks for being a good voter.
Mavis Bates, Kane County Board, District 4