Reader’s Voice: Reaction mixed to The Voice opinions

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August 10, 2024
Dear editor;

In the last few issues of The Voice, I have read three opinions of politics. One gentleman as usual tried to darken everything that president Joe Biden did or did not do during his Administration.

One of his complaints was concerning the border crisis. What he conveniently overlooks is that Biden’s agreement to a bipartisan bill was rejected by the Republicans (caused by Donald Trump).

Another gentleman wants to shove a conspiracy theory that the Republicans set up the would be assassin of Trump to blame it on the Democrats. He does this out of the windmills of his mind.

In the third reading, I would like to congratulate Judy S. for showing how each of Biden’s accomplishments benefited American society according to her opinion. We may disagree with some of them but she had good defenses.

Gerald Lubshina, Aurora

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