Reader’s Voice: Response: MAGA world danger

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September 26, 2022
Dear editor;

According to her recent contribution to The Voice, Becky Nelson felt compelled to respond to president Joe Biden after a speech in which he identified MAGA Republicans as a dangerous threat to our democracy (Reader’s Voice, September 22). After reading and attempting to digest Becky’s contribution, I feel a similar compulsion to respond to Becky.

As far as I am aware, the term “MAGA Republicans” applies to those individuals whose beliefs and values are inextricably associated with those of the former president, Donald J. Trump, who was voted out of office by the American people in 2020. Yet here we are, two years later, still burdened with the impact of the Trump-inspired attack on our Nation’s capitol, his documented efforts to overturn the election results, his lies and nonsense regarding the classified documents that he stole on his way out the door, his continuing efforts to inspire the most radical elements of our society… the list goes on and on.

Which beliefs and values are reflected in this behavior? And how are those not dangerous threats to our democracy? I think president Joe Biden’s view of the MAGA Republicans is absolutely correct, and we need to pay attention.

There is no need to refute Becky’s clear assertion that MAGA Republicans are indeed among us, in all segments of our society. She is correct. But other Republicans, Democrats, and independents are among us as well. Her statement that “The silent majority is MAGA” is obviously of her opinion only, because a factually-based statement would require the silent to be heard, but in any case, I happen to believe that her statement is false. Perhaps we will have reason to reconsider our opinions after the upcoming November election.

And, focusing on elections, I must confess ignorance to the existence of the Stamp Act PAC prior to noting Becky’s signature with her contribution. Being the curious type, I searched the website for this group ( and read through the information presented on their homepage. On that page was a link that led me to the finding that Darren Bailey enjoys the support of this PAC, but it struck me that Darren’s well-documented views on abortion are seemingly in direct conflict with one of the “Core Beliefs and Values” of the group, namely that “Individuals should be free from government interference in our lives.” To my way of thinking, Darren is promoting a profound interference of the government with a woman’s right to determine her own health-care choices! I ask by what convoluted reasoning can both of these beliefs be supported?

Vince Smith, Big Rock

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