Reader’s Voice: Response to Siedlicki: Good versus evil

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September 25, 2024
Dear editor;

I found Ms Siedlicki’s letter in the September 19 issue very moving. In it she forwarded her eighth grade grandson’s letter citing his fears caused by school shootings in America. Such fears should never be allowed to surface in our wonderful nation. We veterans have fought wars to preserve such freedoms.

The question Ms Siedlicki raises is: “What is the root cause of this violence and how do we stop it?”

Some would say that guns cause this needless violence. But in gun-free countries we see similar violence with knives and clubs. Shall we conclude that it is knives and clubs that cause the violence. Of course not.

The issue is really one of good versus evil. Unfortunately much of our politics in America has escalated from reasonable differences of opinion to a culture war of good versus evil. To resolve the fears that many, including Ms Siedlicki’s grandson has, we need to combat evil and overcome it.

This is easier said than done, particularly after so many years of allowing our nation’s culture to be infiltrated by evil. And one should ask: “How is evil manifested in America?” Permit me to cite just three examples:

  1. By allowing millions of unchecked immigrants to flow across our borders, including terrorists, rapists, murderers, who then prey on ordinary U.S. citizens;
  2. By condoning violence of groups such as ANTIFA, BLM, and others without any accountability;
  3. By urging movements such as “Defund the Police” and the Safe-T Act in Illinois which allows criminals to go free. Such activities must be stopped in order to restore security and safety in the minds of good citizens, such as Ms Siedlicki’s grandson.

The final question is: “How can this be done?” And the simple answer is to reflect on a statement a former U.S. president once made: “Elections have consequences.” So be thoughtful when you vote, and please vote for good, and not for evil.

Leonard R. Wass, Oswego

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