November 19, 2024
Dear editor;
Should Illinois legalize assisted-suicide? Some state senators think so. If allowed, vulnerable individuals who are sick, elderly, disabled, and those with mental illness and dementia will become targets.
As the father of a Downs Syndrome toddler, I am extremely alarmed by this proposal.
No one should be comfortable with promoting a cheaper, easier alternative to life’s struggles in order to ignore their responsibilities to people who need their help.
Canada’s law, with 79% support, was promoted as a last resort for the terminally ill. Support has plummeted to 30% because of the disregard toward vulnerable citizens such as anyone with an illness and those who are disabled.
Canadians facing homelessness and poverty are feeling compelled to end their lives rather than be a “burden” to society.
In 2023, 76.2% of Belgium euthanasia was administered to people with physical and psychological issues, including personality disorders, depression, and Alzheimer’s.
A Netherland law that took effect February 1, 2024, allows parents to euthanize their children even if the child doesn’t want to be killed.
Proponents can call it “dignity,” but it is cruel and heartless to disregard human life.
If you agree, please let your state senator know.
David E. Smith, executive director, Illinois Family Institute, Tinley Park