Reader’s Voice: Strong gun control laws ineffective

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July 30, 2022
Dear editor;

Once again The Voice published letters filled with emotional blathering. This time regarding gun control.

There’s a solid solution which would end all such gun control debate. The following facts clearly point to the problem and the solution:

• International statistics show the USA is third in murders throughout the world;

• But if you remove only five of our major cities from the data: Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., St. Louis, and New Orleans, the USA rank would be 189 out of 195 countries in the world;

• These five cities have two things in common: Strongest gun control laws in the Nation and long-time Democratic Party rule.

Because adding to strong gun control laws has had zero effect on lowering murders, the answer clearly is to remove Democratic Party control of these five cities. Perhaps if we removed Democratic control of all other large cities, such as New York City, we could achieve the lowest murder rate in these 195 countries.

Then, we could focus our Second Amendment for the specific purpose our Founding Fathers created it and placed it second, after free speech and religion, to take down a corrupt government.

It’s worth a try, isn’t it?

Leonard R. Wass, Oswego

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