Reader’s Voice: Who is the real election thief?

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September 22, 2024
Dear editor;

Fake Electors are back in Key Swing States in 2024: Pennsylvania, 5; Michigan, 6; Nevada, 2; and New Mexico, 1.

Electors in our antiquated Electoral College actually determine the presidential winner in our Federal elections.

In 2020, legitimate electors represented the actual count in their state for president while fraudulent fake electors had the gall to try to certify their count for Donald Trump even if he didn’t win the vote in their state. Trump was aware of fake electors efforts to help him. That’s why Trump on January 6, 2021 was so angry with then vice president, Mike Pence, when Pence told Trump that he would not certify fake elector votes to overturn the election in Trump’s favor.

I watched January 6 when insurrectionists sent by Trump broke into the Capitol building to disrupt the electoral count certification, rioting through the halls of Congress carrying Confederate flags and chanting “hang Mike Pence” for whom they had built a gallows. Trump watched from the White House as the purposely under-manned Capitol police courageously fought them off for hours, being beaten and stabbed with American flag poles, tased, bear sprayed, and taunted with racial slurs that ultimately resulted in five of their deaths. Finally Trump called the insurrectionists off. Then in the midst of the rubble, and in the middle of the night, speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, recalled lawmakers to finish certifying the votes to elect president Joe Biden.

Fake electors will try again to override the election for Trump. Twenty-six states, all under Republican control, have adopted state laws restricting registration and suppressing the vote of those who they believe will vote against Trump.

Friday, Sept. 20, the MAGA-leaning Georgia State Election Board approved a new rule, in the name of so-called voter integrity, to hand-count the millions of ballots cast at polling places on Election Day instead of using tabulation machines to swiftly and accurately count the ballots and track vote totals. If this rule stands, Georgia will surely miss the deadline to submit their vote totals causing chaos and mistrust of our election process which is precisely its intention.

Trump’s immorality and chicanery never seem to end and that could end our democracy. Do something! Vote for our freedom!

Judy Siedlecki, Oswego

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