Reader’s Voice: Women should have concealed carry permit

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October 8, 2018
Dear editor;
After the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee’s inquiry into sexual assault charge brought by Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh, every woman who feels threatened and is qualified, should get a concealed carry permit. She should be trained by a professional in the use and safety of a lightweight handgun made of plastic and steel.

This small handgun could be equipped with electronic fingerprint sensors that allows her and her alone to fire the weapon she carries. This additional option would be a serious deterrent to any man who would engage in criminal sexual assault.

Women have the right to protect themselves, similar to men who are obsessed with Second Amendment right to have a gun, which reflects male physiology.

I suggest the guns carried by women should be practical and semi-automatic, pink or camouflage in color, and have six 22-long hollow point cartridges.

A potential predator never would be able to guess which woman was carrying six nails for his coffin and sexual assault might no longer be the most unreported crime in Illinois.

The first 11 words of the Fourth Amendment are: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons.”
Larry Casagram

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