Reader’s Voice: Yorkville students exercise their rights

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October 15, 2023
Dear editor;

Hooray for our young people!

The Yorkville High School students who spoke up at the meeting of their school board September 25 protesting the four members of the boards’ decision to summarily remove a text from their English class had a great civics lesson. They learned how our democratic system of government works and used it to exercise their constitutional rights to petition their government (school board) and free speech, both in our Bill of Rights.

Their actions demonstrate they learned their lesson well; better than any paper test could. All their teachers, past and present, also deserve credit for their influence on these courageous, principled, articulate, and well-prepared young people. What a testament to the quality education so far provided to these students. I hope that quality education continues, but that is far from assured. The work shown by these students supports my faith in the coming generations’ ability to keep our fragile democratic system of government free, fair, and open at this critical time in our history. These young people promise leadership and good citizenship for our future.

We should all be proud of and support them.

Priscilla Gruber, Plainfield

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