Remarks follow resignation from League of Women Voters

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January 11, 2020
Dear editor;

Experience is the top of the list of writers, a virtue I have practiced and promoted. Errors occur when updates of information are not researched. Usually no changes are found.

My membership in the LWV (League of Women Voters) only lasted several months. There was nothing to be learned, or to benefit my political knowledge, but their structure was an education worth knowing. Has anything changed? I doubt it.

My remarks are not written, to discourage citizens’ participation in their public candidates forum. Go to them with basic and important questions to be asked of the candidates. If you notice that the forum is being controlled, or censored, stand up and speak out. That will send the leadership a needed message.

My resignation and that of my friend was based on the fact that the LWV administration was appointed, not voted into office. Who held these reigns? Attempts to obtain this information was futile and this dead end brought about our resignations. We recognized that the LWV had a liberal bent in their system and those holding their financial strength were not up for election. Go figure!

Joan Solms, Aurora

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