I always have liked State representative Stephanie Kifowit (84th State House District 84 in parts of Aurora, Montgomery, Naperville, Oswego), but she recently raised herself even further in my estimation. I watched as she played a substantial role in ending Mike Madigan’s long tenure as speaker of the House in Illinois. I applaud the intuition she spoke of in a January 21 column in The Voice, which led her to feel she “must do something” when Madigan was revealed as “Public Official A” in the Commonwealth Edison bribery story.
I’m sure I was one of many thousands of people who were screaming at the television during the nightly news, “Please! Somebody do something to remove this man from his position as Speaker!”
Madigan has been the poster boy for Illinois corruption for as long as I can remember. I have watched in disgust for decades at the price paid by those in the State who opposed him, or, who tried to limit his power. It seemed as though he was immovable from his four-decades long reign. I know it took great courage for any of his associates to stand up, such as David against Goliath, and say: “I will oppose you, no matter what this costs me politically.”
Bullies in both parties must be held to account by their colleagues and I hope to see more Republican Party members stand up and censure Donald Trump for his behavior that led to the insurrection at the Capitol January 6. That’s for another day.
I would like to think that at the end of our days, when we are judged for our behavior in this life, bullies such as Madigan and Trump will see the disappointed face of the Almighty, who asks, “what were you thinking?” I believe it will be the quiet heroes who receive the greatest reward. It is those who become the footnotes of history, who are often the invisible movers of mountains.
So, while I was already a fan of representative Kifowit, and I have never forgotten her kindness and advice when I ran for office a few years back, I am now a mega-fan! I want her to know that I am one of many who watched this play out, while cheering her on, and neglected to thank her when it was over.
Thanks for being a role model for us all and an inspiration that sometimes when we stand up to bullies and work together, things can change. Even in Illinois politics.