Victoria Schmitt of Yorkville bid farewell recently to a new friend, 23-year-old Yanise Ho, originally from Hong Kong (click here for her website). The immediate destination for Ho was Iowa and ultimately Portland, Ore., all by roller blades. Yes, the college student at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Mass. left Miami for New York City and Chicago on a mission to prove the kindness of strangers.
Her trip is entirely by roller blades and dependant on the kindness of strangers. She has a tent in her backpack in case she does not find lodging. Her other mission is to raise $20,000 for girls in Africa to attend secondary schools.
The Schmitts of Yorkville, including Victoria’s husband, Stephen, were hosts in late July for several nights, first in Yorkville, then at their campground in Sublette, straight west of Yorkville, not far from Amboy. Ho took Ogden Avenue (U.S. 34) from Chicago through DuPage, Kane, and Kendall Counties to the Schmitt’s home in Yorkville.
—Jason Crane