The Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise inducts Susan Lindahl, center, at its meeting September 30. Sue is retired from retail sales, and spends her time singing at her church and a community choir. Club president, Joe Kosner, is left, and Tom Clark, right, is the membership chair. The Club that meets at Mother’s Restaurant in Aurora at 7 a.m. Wednesdays, has reopened its meetings, both in person with masks and social-distancing, as well as on Zoom. Visitors are welcome.Lewis Johnson photoStephanie Clay, right, photo below, receives a donation for her Special Stars program after giving a talk to the Aurora Sunrise Rotary Club members October 7 at Mother’s Restaurant in Aurora. She received a donation check of $5,000 from Joe Kosner, left, Club president, to help with her with Special Stars, a not-for-profit dance therapy activity for Down Syndrome children and adults. She talked about the joy and smiles on the faces, and the enthusiasm for dance, of those in her Special Stars classes, and the confidence in their abilities when they finish a session. Those interested in Stephanie’s services and contact her at: Lewis Johnson photoThe Aurora Sunrise Rotary Club inducts Lorraine Garciacano, center, October 7 at Mother’s Restaurant in Aurora. Her sponsor, Peter Dominguez, right and Club president, Joe Kosner, left, helped to welcome her. Lorraine has been a good friend of the Rotary Club for many years. She has been host mom to seven students through the Rotary Foreign Exchange program. Being host to student can be a four-to-11-month commitment. Prior to the pandemic, the Club was host to two foreign high school students each year, and has sent from three to as many as 10 Aurora high school students to foreign countries for an 11-month exchange. The Rotary Foreign Exchange Program is one of the Club’s signature projects.Shelli Kosner photo