He was a giant among men upon whose shoulders I have proudly stood for more than 20 years during my career as an attorney and elected official.
Herbert Hill, Esq. made history as the first black lawyer in Kane County, and he continued to blaze a trail of excellence in law as the first and only black corporation counsel for the city government of Aurora. He was a superb litigator who commanded the courtroom and a stalwart mentor who inspired those who followed in his footsteps, including Kane County Judge Reginald Campbell and me.

A graduate of the John Marshall Law School, Herb Hill’s impressive law career spanned more than 50 years, and he extended his service to the community during his elected tenure as the Aurora Township Clerk. Without question, he left an indelible mark on our community and the lives of many.
Earlier this year, it was an utmost honor to present him with the Mayor’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the Aurora African-American Heritage Board’s Heritage Dinner in February. To commemorate his life and legacy, we will be renaming that award as the Herbert Hill Lifetime Achievement Award. He passed October 13.
I last saw Herb in early March at the swearing-in ceremony for Judge Campbell. We talked and laughed as we always did. He was elated to watch two of his mentees tread their own paths, one as judge and the other as mayor. I do hope we made him proud.
Attorney Herbert Hill lived an empowering 80 years and, through his work, forever will be emblazoned in our minds, hearts, and the fabric of our community.
Godspeed, Good Sir.
—Mayor Richard C. Irvin, Aurora