Happy days are here again! Bela Suhayda is back on the pages of The Voice, and he hasn’t changed a bit.
I took care to distinguish between “national socialism” and “democratic socialism,” but Suhayda was having none of it. “Socialism” conjures up in his mind the atrocities of Stalin and Hitler and their imitators in the post-war world, e.g. Hungary in 1956. The persons he named in his diatribe came from the same mold as their policies and actions clearly demonstrated. Democratic socialism works from the bottom up, not from the top down. Suhayda cannot wrap his mind around this concept; he prefers the disinformation of the capitalist “news” media.
I made it very clear that I did not side with Hamas, but Suhayda was having none of it. I stand for the right of the Palestinians to live as a free people; ipso facto, I must be a Hamas-loving terrorist. Suhayda prefers the lies of the Zionists to the truths of history.
I have never said that I hate Jews, but Suhayda was having none of it. He thinks that being for Palestine is anti-Semitism, but I have always stated that anti-Semitism was a manufactured “crime,” promoted by the Zionists in order to silence their critics. What I do hate is the murderous, apartheid government of Benjamin Netanyahu; history has demonstrated that his regime is just one in a long line, acting illegally and immorally. Suhayda sides with the fascist Netanyahu, whose “Palestine solution” is the expulsion of every man, woman, and child, who is not Jewish.
Winston Churchill once defined a fanatic as “one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” Suhayda the parrot fits this definition to a “T.”
Now, dear reader, I will introduce you to a new concept: Settler-colonialism. Actually, the concept is not new, but the name is; the actions it describes are nearly as old as humankind itself.
Israel – and the United States for that matter – views itself as a “nation of immigrants.” That is to say, the migrants have found themselves a new home and have adjusted themselves to the culture and laws of the indigenous population. A quick view of the history of the Jews in Palestine puts the lie to calling themselves “immigrants.” The fact of the matter is that the “immigrants” behaved like an invasion force; they pushed aside the indigenous population, took land that did not belong to them, and subjugated the Palestinians to their own culture and laws. If the latter objected, they were jailed or sent to refugee camps or murdered. This is settler-colonialism in a nutshell.
I have included the U.S. in this definition of settler-colonialism, because European-Americans have done the exact same thing as the Israelis have done, only on a larger scale. The Jews took a small country, but the Europeans took a whole continent under the banner of “manifest destiny” from “sea to shining sea,” as the song goes. In either case, calling oneself as a “nation of immigrants” is a grand hypocrisy, and the judgment of history surely will be made clear.
Suhayda claims to have shaken his head hundreds of times while reading the essays of Wayne Johnson and myself. I submit that he could reduce the number of head-shakings if he took a broader view of the world instead of acting like a parrot. Of course, taking a broader view might open himself up to accusations of “woke-ism.” And we can’t have that, can we? Imagine, if you will, dear reader: Bela Suhayda the “woke-man,” spreading his “wokeness” hither and yon. It boggles the mind, don’t you know? The MAGAts would undoubtedly renounce him and shun him; T. Rump would call him a “loser,” or a “sucker” or a “RINO.” Dear, oh, dear, we just can’t have that, can we?
Wayne and I would dearly love to come to Bela Suhayda’s rescue, if he asks for it, don’t you know? We’d put him on the right path in a jiffy.
Just a thought.