Valley of the Fox Sierra Club will join with Elgin Green Groups to be hosts to Clayton Daughenbaugh, the Midwest conservation organizer with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Sadly, Utah’s Red Rock Canyonlands are under attack just as are many other wilderness areas in the lower 48 states. He will show a new short movie dramatically documenting citizen efforts to conserve public lands in southern Utah’s spectacular canyon country. Valley of the Fox Sierra Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday Jan. 21, at Hawthorn Hills Nature Center, 28 Brookside Drive, Elgin.
Our next program, at 7 p.m. Monday Feb. 11 at Batavia Public Library, will feature Charlie Zine who will have a presentation on his trip from the start of the Fox River to its end in Ottawa last Summer.
— Valley of the Fox Sierra Club
Aurora Area Retired Teachers Feb. 5
The Aurora Area Retired Teachers Association will hold a luncheon meeting starting at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, at Gaslite Manor, 2485 Church Road, Aurora.
Ron Porter, a retired West Aurora School District 129 teacher, will present a musical program following lunch and a brief business meeting. All retired teachers in the Aurora area are invited, and are welcome. For information please contact Dick Schindel, 630-898-1307, or visit us at auroraarearetiredteachersassociation.org. Our association works to protect the futures of retired teachers.
—Maureen Granger