Sins of Trump; find budget cuts at Pentagon

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•The Sins of Donald J. Trump (chapter one). He has:

Selected to head various government agencies persons whose only “qualifications” are limited to absolute loyalty to him;

Rescinded birth-right citizenship for immigrant children whose only home has been the U.S.;

Withdrawn (again!) the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement;

Withdrawn the U.S. from the World Health Organization;

Declared an “emergency” at the U.S./Mexico border as a prelude of mass deportation of “illegal immigrants”;

Expanded the Federal death penalty;

Pardoned everyone who participated in the 06 January 2021 riot at the Capitol building, including those who committed violent acts;

Gutted the Aviation Security Advisory Committee;

Directed the government to explore the creation digital assets, a.k.a. crypto-currency (a.k.a. “fake money”);

Halted the ban on the TikTok social media until it is bought by an American entity;

Banned the flying of any flag not the U.S. flag, except the POW, MIA, and Hostage flags in order to promote “patriotism.”

*Our dear President [hollow (sic) be his name] seeks to thin out the size of the executive branch of government by eliminating and/or scaling down every department, agency, and commission he deems to be useless. The Chas thinks this is a wise choice. Our government is entirely too top-heavy to operate efficiently.

The Chas suggests we start with the fattest hog at the public trough – the Pentagon. Our tax dollars go down this rat hole by the bushelful, and there is no accountability whatsoever.

First, we abolish the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force and transfer their personnel, weaponry, and equipment to the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps, thus eliminating duplication of defense postures. The personnel of the abolished entities will have the option to accept transfer to the new organization or to take early retirement. Ditto the civilian pencil pushers. Billions and billions of tax-payer dollars would be freed up to pay off the national debt and/or fund social programs.

In addition, contracts for weaponry and supplies would diminish, saving even more billions. Any subsequent contracts will not be open-ended but rigorously delineated; no cost over-runs will be tolerated, and contractors who fail to complete their projects within the terms of their contracts will complete their contracts on their own dime. More billions saved.

With the abolition will be the closure of the Army/AirForce bases scattered across the globe. Only highly strategic bases will be maintained. The newly emptied bases can be used to house immigrants waiting to enter the U.S. legally.

At last, we’ll have a streamlined, highly efficient defense force second to none in the annals of warfare. And, if our dear President [hollow (sic) be his name] wants to take credit for such a re-imagining, so what? He’ll have something legitimate to brag about for a change.

•Have you noticed, dear reader, the number of cream-colored vehicles on the streets lately? Is this the new color of choice? They remind me of the cars in animated films. Just saying.

•B.S. has stated that “Wayne’s World” and “The Chas” were applauding when former president Joe Biden pardoned his son and others before he left office. Funny, I do not recall applauding anyone or anything in Biden’s circle. I must have been asleep and dreaming all the while. I’m sure, however, that B.S. applauded bigly T. Rump’s pardons of the Capitol rioters, thus freeing them to commit more crimes (some have already been arrested).

Methinks this pardon business has gotten entirely out of hand and should be re-visited. The original intent was to free those individuals who had been wrongfully tried and convicted of crimes they did not commit. Pardoning anyone pre-emptively of crimes of which they haven’t yet been tried and convicted turns the system on its head and leads to great abuse, particularly when money changes hands, tit-for-tat.

Just a thought.

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