We are tied together more than we may think, at times, and pass off circumstances as coincidences. There are many who think there are no coincidences.
Early this week, Lynn Akers entered the office of The Voice with a news release for Jennings Terrace. First things first. She is involved in the history of Aurora. She is the daughter of late Edward Arenkill, who, with his brother, the late Howard Arenkill, ran Arenkill’s Loan Bank, 11 N. Broadway, Aurora. Otherwise known as a pawn shop, the brothers were an institution in Aurora business and third generation owners which started in 1925. Edward was pleased with his East Aurora High School graduate status and wore it with pride on his license plate. He would remind he played football at East Aurora in some of the school’s football glory days in the late 1930s/early 1940s.
Edward Arenkill lived his final days at Jennings Terrace at the longtime institution in Aurora, 275 S. LaSalle Street, Aurora. It was the reason for the visit by Lynn Akers. Her objective: Notify the public with an invitation to attend the 60th Annual Jennings Terrace Ice Cream Social from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 18 on the grounds of the Jennings Terrace Retirement Community. It is one of a few fundraisers.
“Jennings is non-profit,” she said, which is a provider of affordable senior living for independent, assisted, and skilled care, and has served Aurora for 75 years.
Likely not coincidentally, a week prior to the visit by Lynn Akers, a former representative of Jennings for nearly nine years, Diane Beukelman, called to say she is working in promotions for the Oswego Senior Center. She said she will send information. Next week information will be on the Seniors’ Voice page about the services and projects in Oswego.
• Tragically, Oswego High School is not looking for a girls softball coach now. Amanda Stanton, 26, in late June was struck by a vehicle on the side of an Oswego road and died as a result. A man is held . “We will not post or do anything with position for some time; we are giving time for grieving and healing,” wrote Oswego athletic director Darren Howard. “Amanda was special. We are taking donations for the Stanton Scholarship fund (to be given) each Spring (to a senior).”