Spaghetti dinner February 13 at Luigi’s Pizza

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Aurora Noon Lions Club will be host a spaghetti dinner from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, at Luigi’s Pizza and Fun Center, 732 Prairie Street in Aurora.

Proceeds will benefit Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry.

The public is invited. The menu includes spaghetti, vegetables, meatballs or chicken breast, bread sticks, and a heart-shaped cookie for Valentine’s Day. Cost is $10 per person. Diners may eat in, socially-distanced, walk up for carry-outs, or drive-through. Paid pre-orders through Luigi’s website are available.

Arvid Meyer of Aurora, Noon Lions president, said the Club’s goal is to sell 200 dinners. Call 630-892-8045 for more information.

Founded in 1922, Aurora Noon Lions Club meets on the first and third Mondays online on Zoom. Prospective members are welcome. In-person meetings were suspended in March due to the pandemic.

— Aurora Noon Lions Club

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