Special pins at Woman’s Club of Aurora

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Woman’s Club of Aurora president Cathy Martin will close the 2018-2019 Club year Tuesday, May 14 at Belle Salle Banquets in Aurora by honoring past Club presidents: Esther Amos, Martha Bein, Dorothy Ellis, Jean Haselhorst, Rosemary Hauser, Barbara Penner, Judy Pessetti, and Dorothy Sullivan.

Membership chairman Dawn Magana will present Barbara Penner with a 25-year member pin, and 14 other members will receive 10-year pins.

Star pins for sponsoring a minimum of five new members each will be given to Rosemary Hauser, Judy Pessetti, and Kitty Weber.

Following a noon luncheon, a program will be presented by the Prestbury Dancers. Recent projects, including P2D2 Prescription Pills and Drug Disposal bags being taken to the Aurora Police Station for the recent Take Back the Drugs Day.

Proper disposal, not in trash or being flushed, keeps pharma out of our waterways. It is an ongoing project.

The annual plant sale will be 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, May 11, at the east parking lot of Westminster Presbyterian Church on West Galena Boulevard in Aurora. Pre-sale orders have been taken, but there will be some extra plants available for sale.

This sale includes geraniums, impatiens, tomato plants, and herbs. Proceeds will help benefit the philanthropies and scholarships of the Woman’s Club.

The Woman’s Club of Aurora meets on the second Tuesday, September through May at noon for a luncheon, program and brief meeting at Belle Salle Banquets, 1920 East New York Street, Aurora. Guests are cordially invited, but reservations are required by contacting Dawn at 630-585-1137.
— Woman’s Club of Aurora

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