Stations of the Cross performance in Plano Good Friday

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Saint Mary Church parishioners in Plano will reenact the passion of Jesus Christ in live Stations of the Cross, on Good Friday, March 30, at 3 p.m..
The Living Stations of the Cross is a passion play presented by parishioners along with music and acting, but above all, it is an occasion of prayer.
St. Mary parishioners have made the Living Stations of the Cross a traditional part of their Holy Week activities for the past several years. All ages work together to portray the story, some taking the role of apostles, as disciples, as Roman soldiers, Jesus’ followers, or just members of the crowd. There are riders on horseback, too. The public is welcome to join in as the parishioners walk through the nearby streets. It is not uncommon to see individuals stop their vehicles or come out of their homes and into the streets to see the spectacle of the Lord’s passion unfolding before them.
This free theatrical event is produced as a way to share the Good News in anticipation of Easter Sunday and as a reminder to believers of all denominations to return to church and recognize the resurrection.
The Living Stations of the Cross will begins at 3 p.m. Good Friday, March 30, in the St. Mary School parking lot. From there, the crowds will go south on North Center to Lee Street, to Hale Street, and then up Hale Street to Church Street and back into the Church campus where the passion play and will conclude with the crucifixion.
For more information on worship and activities at St. Mary Catholic Church call 630-552-3448 or visit the parish online at
—St. Mary Church Plano

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