Street signs memorials in Aurora

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Families show the street signs presented to them in Aurora Sunday, following ceremonies and a revealing of street signs to memorialize fallen heroes who sacrificed all in the line of duty in the U. S. Marine Corp. Each was a lance corporal. Family members h old the sign of Hector Ramos who died January 26, 2005. The sign will be permanent at Smith Boulevard and Fifth Avenue. All three Marines were on duty in Iraq. Family members were presented with flowers and other gifts from the city government officials and veterans organizations. Streets were partially blocked to allow seating for ceremonies. Mayor Richard Irvin, of Aurora, an Army veteran of Desert Storm and Desert Shield, joined in the remarks and revealing of the street signs. There were representatives of the Fox Valley Marines and veterans groups who offered remarks and made presentations. During Aurora’s Memorial Day ceremony this year mayor Irvin read the names of the fallen Marines. Carter Crane/The Voice
Family members hold a street sign of Jesse DeLaTorre who died April 16, 2007. The sign is in the 300 block of Jackson Street and North Avenue on the East Side. Carter Crane/The Voice
Family members of Edwardo Lopez, right, pose for photos following the revealing of the street sign at in the 1100 block of East Liberty and Schiller in Aurora, all three members of the Marines who were killed in action were East Aurora High School graduates. Edwardo Lopez died October 19, 2006. Carter Crane/The Voice
Three street-sign dedication ceremonies Sunday, Oct. 10 preserve the memorials of three fallen U.S. Marines, each a lance corporal, from hostiles in foreign wars. Among those in attendance, left, included members of the Fox Valley Marines. The dedication of the memorials was a part of the Aurora month-long Avanzando Hispanic Heritage Month. The ceremonies on the East Side of Aurora were held at 2 p.m., 3 p.m., and 4 p.m.. All three families, with the death of the men, became Gold Star families, so named because of the full sacrifice of a family member. Carter Crane/The Voice
Marine Lance Corporal Edwardo Lopez, 21, was killed in action October 19, 2006. Street signs are at the sites of their boyhood areas. Carter Crane/ The Voice
Marine Lance Corporal Hector Ramos, 20, was killed in action January 26, 2005. Each is an East Aurora High School graduate. Carter Crane/ The Voice
Marine Lance Corporal Jesse DeLaTorre, 29, was killed in action, April 16, 2007. Carter Crane/ The Voice

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