Where has the time gone? Summer is poised to ease into a new month, August. The Summer is fading fast and many items are left undone.
The statement above could be a repeat of last year at this time and of many previous years.
• Tuesday, Aug. 2 will be a significant day for several reasons. One, The National Night Out celebration of police and fire units across the country mingling with residents will be held in the evening. Two, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich will be in Aurora for a 5 p.m. Mass and evening dinner. Earlier, the venerable Luxemburg Club Friday, July 29, will be host to a dinner at 5 p.m. for Luxemburg ambassador Nicole Binter-Bakshin. Both events are open to the public. There are many Luxemburg descendants in Aurora, with migration having started more than 100 years ago. Luxemburg is one of the three Benelux countries, Luxemburg, Belgium, and The Netherlands. The region in Europe is adjacent to both France and Germany. The three Benelux countries are not to be confused as a triumvirate, with Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, not far from Russia and Ukraine. The two regions are far apart in Europe, however, both substantial.
• Politics pervades society, for good and bad, however to be diminished. The recent version, however, is different from many decades ago. A small fib used to be allowed with a knowing wink. Today, unfortunately, an outright lie is completed with a straight face by the prevaricator with the belief that the supporters will fall firmly for the lie. A lie is different than an honest debate and discussion over the consequences of true facts. Many political members used to seek to stick to facts and be embarrassed over untruths. Unfortunately, the country suffers with lies. When will it stop? How will history view the climate. Likely with a chill. We require a return to Honest Abe Lincoln’s methods of seeing reality. Truly. Our future demands seeing clearly and reacting properly. Will we learn?