Tag: Batavia Lions Club

Batavia Lions Club to collect used eyeglasses, hearing aids

If the cold weather has you cleaning closets, drawers and more, the Batavia Lions Club reminds you to look out for old eyeglasses and hearing aids and donate them. The local Batavia Lions Club recently held an eyeglass sorting event Saturday, Feb. 15. During the event they processed 1,066 pairs...

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Batavia Lions Club to hold plant sale

Batavia Lions Club will be host to its 39th annual plant sale fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 8.Plants include geraniums, combination baskets, variegated impatiens, lantanas, and petunias. Lori Wilson, fundraiser chair, said stationary wagons will be in the 7-Eleven parking lot at Wilson and Prairie Streets,...

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