Tag: Charles Coddington

Confessions of a Taxi Driver, Part Five

“Confessions of a Taxi Driver,” Part Five: Until now, I have been discussing those Crackerjacks who operate motor vehicles as if they were the only ones allowed on the streets/highways. Yet, not all Crackerjacks can be found in four-wheeled conveyances; many of them operate the two-wheeled variety. And, believe me,...

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Junk mail: Never ending, near impossible to escape

Have you been receiving your fair share of “junk mail,” dear reader: All of those retail advertisements; solicitations from charitable organizations; offers of books, magazines, and newspapers which will improve your life? Would you like to know how to receive even more? If you answered “yes” to either question, you...

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Democratic National Committee failed the people

Kamala Harris did not lose the election of 2024. The Democratic National Committee lost it by not supporting her in manner conducive to a winning candidate. The so-called “party of the people” has been inching rightward since the Harry S Truman Administration. The Democratic presidential candidates were all moderates and...

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The Chas’ confessions of a taxi driver, part four

Confessions of a taxi driver, part four: I now present a new category of “Crackerjacks,” which I call the “Pests.” Pests are those drivers who, while not posing any particular hazard to the free flow of traffic, nevertheless create uncertainty and/or anxiety just by their mere presence. Other Crackerjacks might...

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Reader’s Commentary: Opinion: Republican voter hindering could backfire

By Charles Coddington The Chas here. As I have observed in a previous essay, in those so-called “red states,” i.e. where Republicans control the executive and legislative branches of government, the Big Boys have been busy changing the rules of voting in order to put Donald Trump back into the...

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Something sinister and evil invaded our country

Musings: Believe it or not, dear reader, I have read something by Bela Suhayda (BS) that I totally agree with. In the September 19 issue of The Voice, he stated, “I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We...

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Confessions of a taxi driver, part three

Confessions of a taxi driver, part three: In my previous essay in this series, I designated a group of “Crackerjacks” as “Pushers,” as they tend to “push” other drivers out of their way because they are in such a bloody hurry to get somewhere, anywhere, even though the urgency is...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrat plot: Unsecure southern border, illegals voting

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Thirty-nine days until election day and I learned there have been more than 400,000 criminal aliens who have entered our country through our southern border. Among these 400,000 criminal illegals, there are more than 15,000 who are convicted rapists and another 13,000 that have been convicted...

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Reader’s Commentary: Coddington’s new nickname; disappointing Secret Service

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve been given a pseudonym by Charles Coddington. I am the “Gaslighter.” As much as I appreciate Coddinton’s new name for me, the problem remains, I like Wayne Johnson’s moniker better. He calls me “Wild Bill.” I think Wild Bill is a much better fit for...

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Harris, Trump debate; Bernie Sanders in 2016

Musings: •Can you say “President Kamala Harris,” dear reader? T. Rump can’t. He’s too concerned about his crowd sizes and immigrants eating cats and dogs. BS can’t. He’s too busy twisting his tongue into a pretzel, trying to convince himself that she doesn’t have a platform to run on. She...

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Reader’s Commentary: Something sinister in our country, left’s hypocrisy

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We have family against family, friend against friend, and a fear in many to speak out about what they think. We have lost our collective trust and...

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Gaslighter in The Voice, religion, election polls

Musings: •I have a new nickname for the Hungarian nemesis: Gaslighter. For those who are not familiar with that term, a gaslighter is a person who manipulates a conversation in order to gain control over his/her opponent. He/she makes the opponent question their credibility concerning a given topic of discussion....

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Confessions of a Taxi Driver, new rules for drivers

“Confessions of a Taxi Driver,” Part Two: In the previous ”confession,” I categorized some of the “Crackerjacks,” i.e. reckless drivers, as “pushers.” That is to say, these drivers tend to push other motorists off our streets and highways because they are in a great tearing hurry to get somewhere and...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democratic convention, response to Wayne, Harris, hiding

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Honorable people are truthful people, which is why Wayne’s World Johnson is not an honorable man. Wayne’s articles have taken on an even more dishonest and hateful tone than Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight. Charles Coddington’s pieces are a close second. I believe Wayne’s anger has...

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Rules of debate held for important reason

Two years ago (or so), ye olde publisher, Carter Crane, sent me an E-mail which informed me that someone (I won’t mention any names) wanted to debate me on the pages of The Voice. My first thought was, “I refuse to engage in battle of wits with an unarmed person.”...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrats have not stopped Donald Trump

By Robert MangersYorkville, Ill. After reading the column by Charles Coddington (Chas) in the August 1 edition of The Voice, I feel compelled to respond to his many points. Please bare with me because I’m not a writer and kind of out of my element. First, I’m not a fan...

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On the fake assassination, Agent Orange

Musings: •The consequences of the attempted assassination of T. Rump is clear to this writer. He (Rump) is destined to become the next president of the Untied (sic) States of America, which he has sought for the past four years. Forget about the lies he has told, the crimes he...

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Reader’s Commentary: A challenge to return to civil discourse

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda My family arrived here in the United States in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration. We were refugees from communist Hungary, one of many countries under Russian occupation behind the iron curtain. We escaped a totalitarian regime that thought nothing of executing their people or political rivals...

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U.S. continues to be faced with Court choices

“We, the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, are thy gods by reason of our holy decrees. “Thou shalt have no other gods before us. “Thou shalt not make any graven images or likenesses of us, except that of our servant, Donald J. Trump, hereafter referred to as His Angelic...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s dysfunctions have been hidden

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Hans Christian Anderson wrote a satire entitled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It’s a story of two swindlers pulling a fraudulent stunt on a vain King obsessed with fashion and nobility. The two con men tell the King they will create the most exquisite Royal attire...

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