Tag: Charles Coddington

Confessions of a Taxi Driver, new rules for drivers

“Confessions of a Taxi Driver,” Part Two: In the previous ”confession,” I categorized some of the “Crackerjacks,” i.e. reckless drivers, as “pushers.” That is to say, these drivers tend to push other motorists off our streets and highways because they are in a great tearing hurry to get somewhere and...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democratic convention, response to Wayne, Harris, hiding

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Honorable people are truthful people, which is why Wayne’s World Johnson is not an honorable man. Wayne’s articles have taken on an even more dishonest and hateful tone than Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight. Charles Coddington’s pieces are a close second. I believe Wayne’s anger has...

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Rules of debate held for important reason

Two years ago (or so), ye olde publisher, Carter Crane, sent me an E-mail which informed me that someone (I won’t mention any names) wanted to debate me on the pages of The Voice. My first thought was, “I refuse to engage in battle of wits with an unarmed person.”...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrats have not stopped Donald Trump

By Robert MangersYorkville, Ill. After reading the column by Charles Coddington (Chas) in the August 1 edition of The Voice, I feel compelled to respond to his many points. Please bare with me because I’m not a writer and kind of out of my element. First, I’m not a fan...

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On the fake assassination, Agent Orange

Musings: •The consequences of the attempted assassination of T. Rump is clear to this writer. He (Rump) is destined to become the next president of the Untied (sic) States of America, which he has sought for the past four years. Forget about the lies he has told, the crimes he...

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Reader’s Commentary: A challenge to return to civil discourse

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda My family arrived here in the United States in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration. We were refugees from communist Hungary, one of many countries under Russian occupation behind the iron curtain. We escaped a totalitarian regime that thought nothing of executing their people or political rivals...

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U.S. continues to be faced with Court choices

“We, the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, are thy gods by reason of our holy decrees. “Thou shalt have no other gods before us. “Thou shalt not make any graven images or likenesses of us, except that of our servant, Donald J. Trump, hereafter referred to as His Angelic...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s dysfunctions have been hidden

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Hans Christian Anderson wrote a satire entitled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It’s a story of two swindlers pulling a fraudulent stunt on a vain King obsessed with fashion and nobility. The two con men tell the King they will create the most exquisite Royal attire...

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Settler-colonialism meaningful history

Happy days are here again! Bela Suhayda is back on the pages of The Voice, and he hasn’t changed a bit. I took care to distinguish between “national socialism” and “democratic socialism,” but Suhayda was having none of it. “Socialism” conjures up in his mind the atrocities of Stalin and...

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Musings: Yellow suits, change cars, jail for Fauci

Musings: •Now that T. Rump has reached that exalted position of “convicted felon,” he should be coronated in the proper fashion and provided the accouterments in which to issue his proclamations. For his coronation, he should be robed with a bright yellow suit with black stripes about the forearms and...

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Reader’s Commentary: On taking exception to The Voice writers

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve had to shake my head hundreds of times through the years reading Wayne Johnson’s montage of demeaning hateful slurs in The Voice cynically aimed at his favorite protagonist, Donald Trump and of course, yours truly. A couple of weeks ago, in a gesture of fake...

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Former president Donald Trump functions in a circle

The Grand Old Party ain’t what it used to be. It continues to disintegrate, thanks to the current make-up of the U.S. House of Representatives. The House has been infected by MAGAts which have burrowed deeply into it and created rot. It should now be called the “Goofy Order of...

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Blessed drivers: Horn-honkers and weavers

From the vault – revised (various dates): When I was writing “Common Sense” essays for TONIT (pronounced “Toe=nit”) – that other newspaper in town – I wrote a series of satirical observations on the types of motorists we must endure in our daily lives. I wrote them under the umbrella...

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Reader’s Voice: Letter attacks writer Charles Coddington

May 9, 2024Dear editor; On the Charles Coddington’s column, freedom vs. socialism in the The Voice, May 9 edition, there is so much wrong with this moron’s positions and to say right wing shows he’s a partisan hack who has no clue what freedom is and how it’s attained. We...

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Freedom vs. socialism contradiction in terms

“Freedom vs. Socialism”? Where does Bela “Bill” Suhayda get these ideas? Does he pull them out of his backside and spray them with perfume so that nobody can tell how bad they smell? (See The Voice, April 18.) The fact of the matter is that socialism is freedom. Freedom from...

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Our waste requires reform, clean up

From the vault, revised (various dates): Ever since we hairless apes swung down from the trees and began to walk upright, we have disposed of our wastes wherever it was convenient (and healthy!) to do so. As the millennia passed and our populations increased, we had to dispose of ever...

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Term limits, retirement, the best solution

Musings: •Is Joe Biden too old to be president? Yes. Is Donald Trump too old to be president? Again, yes. All politicians should be given the boot when they reach the age between 65 t0 70 years, depending upon when their current term ends. There comes a time when they...

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Just saying: John Birch Society to T. Rump

Musings: •The John Birch Society is back in town! These zombies first crawled out of their graves in the 1960s, preaching what is now called “Christian nationalism.” They believe the time is right to crawl out again and add their two cents’ worth to what the Trumpites – particularly Ms...

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Moderate Republicans reflect party in chaos

Musings: The Republican Party continues to fall to pieces. A number of moderates in both the House of Representatives and the Senate have announced that they will not seek re-election come November. (Even that old mossback, Mitch McConnell is calling it quits. That should give you an idea of the...

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Military career comes to an end in reserve duty

What follows, dear reader, is absolutely the last chapter of my military “career.” I promise! Active reserve duty consisted of more than meeting once a month. What lay ahead was summer camp. Summer camp in the military did not conjure up visions of splashing in a swimming pool, playing volleyball,...

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