Tag: Dwight Baird

Aurora Navy League March 18 Dinner Meeting

The Aurora Navy League Council 247 will hold its Tuesday, March 18, dinner meeting at the private room of the Riverview Diner, IL-25 and Mill Street, Montgomery. A reception will begin promptly at 5 p.m. followed by a meeting at 5:30 p.m. with dinner afterward. The cost is $25 all-inclusive...

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Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 presents checks to Kane County and Kendall County Sheriffs

Commander Mike Eckburg, right, Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84, presents checks for $1,000 each to Sheriffs Dwight Baird, left, Kendall County, and Ron Hain, Kane County, at a recent Post 84 meeting.

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Kendall County Sheriff Dwight Baird Aurora Navy Zoom speaker

This year is but half over and we have witnessed some of the greatest policing challenges of our lifetime already. The COVID-19 pandemic struck early in the year and disrupted every American at work, at home, and at play. The lockdown resulted in unique challenges to our first responders, especially...

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