Tag: Politics

Partisan politics infiltrating non-partisan Illinois elections

By Ben Szalinski & Bridgette FoxCapitol News Illinoisnews@capitolnewsillinois.com It’s been just four months since the last election concluded, but another election is on the horizon in Illinois: the April 1 elections for school boards and municipal offices. Though municipal and school board races in Illinois are nonpartisan, voters may see...

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Shame: Trump disrespect for military veterans

Getting right to the point, which I admit is a bit unusual for me, in a few of my past columns I’ve noted the disrespect that draft dodger and fat, orange, phony-bone-spurred marshmallow, Donald Trump has for veterans, especially those who gave their lives for America in wars and hostile...

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Reader’s Commentary: Writer defends Donald Trump, does not recognize country

By Bela “Bill” SuhaydaSugar Grove, Ill. We cannot be the shining city on the hill if we are not first a nation of laws and justice. We cannot fulfill our destiny as a free people if we don’t have the lady of justice wearing her blind fold. The president of...

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Politics in the name of religion corrupting influence

Just in time for the holiest period on the Christian calendar, as millions worldwide celebrate the most sacred day of the year, Easter, and to recognize Christ’s resurrection, president Donald Trump proves that nothing is off limits. Because, after all, Trump’s riding shotgun and hanging with the King of Kings...

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Reader’s Voice: A sense of outrage on Mr. Trump

April 10, 2023Dear editor; G.O.P. stalwarts made headlines crying, “Unfair treatment under the law!” in response to southern Manhattan’s D.A. Bragg’s announcement to indict the G.O.P.’s puppet-master. Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp fired a well-aimed fusillade at Fox Network’s chief propagandists, Carlson, Hannity, et.al. blasting their supposed outrage: “They weren’t outraged...

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Politics necessary function of life to be respected

Politics is a necessary function of life. Messy, controversial, disputes arise, differences of opinions offer singed relationships. Nonetheless, politics exists. It remains a better method of settling differences, conducting government business, finding peace, than hostilities. Politics is everything from contests at the ballot box which we have undergone this week...

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‘Logorrhea’ pathology pokes at key U.S. issues

There is a horrible disease gripping the United States. It affects mostly right-wing politicians and radio-talk-show hosts. It is called “logorrhea,” a pathological inability to stop talking. The victims talk and talk and talk because they need to speak in order to feel safe and be in control. Too often,...

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Supermajority group seeks mobilization of women in politics

Reprinted from The Voice, May 9, 2019 Cecile Richards, a recent guest on the MSNBC Morning Joe television program, announced that she and co-sponsor Alicia Garza have formed a new organization entitled: “Supermajority.” The following article was written by Chantal da Silva for Newsweek. “Three prominent activists have launched an...

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Reader’s Voice: Leaders should move to the middle

November 5, 2022Dear editor; The increasing polarization of our Nation’s politics is well known. It’s safe to say that most Americans consider it to be at least a detriment, if not a threat to our way of life. Approximately three-fifths of our Senate seats and four-fifths of House seats represent...

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Fall Freedom Fest BBQ event October 9

Stamp Act PAC will be host to its annual Fall fundraiser in Plano starting at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 at the Venue at ProCool, 115 E. South Street, Plano. Keynote speakers will include lieutenant governor candidate for the State GOP, Stephanie Trussell, and Pastor Steve Saunder, Plano Methodist Church....

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Goal: Change culture, even in Illinois State politics

Illinois is known across the land for political corruption. I always get a hearty, knowing, chuckle when I tell Rotary Club luncheons that I have worked for three unindicted Illinois governors. True: Ogilvie, Thompson, Edgar. The other four across that era were all measured for striped suits: Kerner, Walker, Ryan,...

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Reader’s Voice: Goal: Exist in same reality

May 14, 2021Dear editor; I was wondering how the United States became involved with an attitude of: Us vs. Them within the political arena. It always has been culturally. The divide seems to deepen every day. Many conservatives tend to make judgments of the other that are unfounded. Some of...

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Incentives, sanctions, may work better than wishful thinking

President Joe Biden is proposing to spend more money than I knew existed, on infrastructure and children, families, free college, and much more. I am not opposed to spending all that money, so long as it is aimed at improving our Nation’s weak educational and social outcomes, and so long...

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Weighing the changes in conservatives, liberals

As a broken-down professor of American politics, I was asked this question recently: What do the terms conservative and liberal mean today in American political life? I think the question is important because: 1) the human animal craves context to help him or her navigate the world; 2) the terms...

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On using death as a political tool

By Bela “Bill” SuhaydaAurora Using death to achieve political gain is something the political left and media have been doing to critical acclaim for a long time. It used to be taboo. Now it is a strategy, especially with Democrats. Enter Robert Long, a white male, and an admitted sex...

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Partisan media may have little impact on beliefs: Study

Popular wisdom suggests that the internet plays a major role in shaping consumers’ political attitudes in the U.S., and some recent studies blamed partisan news outlets’ coverage for the increasing polarization of the Nation’s electorate. However, a study of 1,037 internet users during the 2018-2019 U.S. midterm election found that...

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On sex, our chromosomes, survival, gender identity, politics, the future

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Sex exists in nature for the development of new generations of diverse organisms within many species. The very important reason for sexual reproduction, in nature, is for the production of new and diverse populations of plants, animals, or for that matter, human beings. Diversity is important...

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Illinois GOP touts victories in 2020 elections

By Peter Hancock As the dust settled after Tuesday’s general election in Illinois, Republicans in the State patted themselves on the back after making gains, while high-ranking Democrats pushed back against embattled State party leader Michael Madigan. “I’m going to give ourselves an A because before Tuesday, the House Republicans...

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Founders’ vision: Democracies shed political psychopaths

By John W. Whitehead Twenty years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: “What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath?” The answer, then and now, remains the same: None. There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians. Nor is there much of a difference between the havoc wreaked...

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