Tag: Reader’s Commentary

Reader’s Commentary: Democrats against audit, DOGE to root out wasteful spending

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda The Democrats, along with Chuck “Chucky Cheese” Schumer, “Wayne’s World” Johnson and Charles “The Sponge” Coddington, yell from the rooftops DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) should stop investigations into how our hard earned tax dollars are spent. They don’t want the IRS, Treasury, or Pentagon audited...

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Reader’s Commentary: Failed Democratic Party ploys; Trump to fix nation

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda How bad does your message have to be to lose an election to Adolph Hitler? I would surmise…pretty bad. Yet this is what happened to the Democrats, Kamala Harris and “Tampon” Tim Walz November 5, 2024. They were calling Donald Trump, Hitler for a decade. Did...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s felonious actions in office brought to light

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda The Republicans maintained a majority in the House of Representatives, and, with that victory, the House Oversight committee was able to uncover evidence revealing Joe Biden’s corruption in office. Yes, Joe Biden abused his office as vice president for personal reasons and his family’s financial gain....

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Reader’s Commentary: Democratic Party disregard for life, late-term abortions

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Planned Parenthood provided free mobile abortion and vasectomy units near the entrances of the United Center in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention, August 19-22. They demonstrated to the world their disregard for the unborn child. They’ve taken to destroying human life at a level never...

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Reader’s Commentary: Left caused their own demise; time to return to normalcy

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda When 98% of what you say about Donald Trump, deals with comparing him to Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, you’re not making sense. Then when you double down on calling him a racist, a bigot, a threat to democracy, then lose in the popular vote in the...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrats in denial, Trump to right their wrongs

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’m astonished, but I shouldn’t be. I’ve been listening to post election analysis by Democrats and why they think they lost this election. They seem genuinely perplexed about the rebuke the American people have given them. They shouldn’t be. The American people, with this election, have...

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Reader’s Commentary: Biden/Harris: Bad for America, open borders, trafficking

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda How do you believe in a candidate who has done nothing to fix problems she actually helped to create? The answer: “You can’t.” Kamala Harris is, by far, the worst candidate who has ever run for the office of president. Just as Joe Biden was a...

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Reader’s Commentary: Bates, Kane County Board District 4, seeks re-election

By Mavis Bates Dear neighbors: I am running for re-election to the Kane County Board District 4 because I have a passion for serving and protecting the families and the natural riches of Kane County. Thank you for inviting me into your homes to get to know you, your beautiful...

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Reader’s Commentary: FEMA hurricane failures, funds sent to help illegals

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of Homeland Security, three months ago, told Americans how well prepared FEMA has been for any emergency. Enter Hurricane Helene, one of the largest storms to hit the U.S. in recent history. Helene, a category 4 hurricane made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend...

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Reader’s Commentary: Coddington’s new nickname; disappointing Secret Service

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve been given a pseudonym by Charles Coddington. I am the “Gaslighter.” As much as I appreciate Coddinton’s new name for me, the problem remains, I like Wayne Johnson’s moniker better. He calls me “Wild Bill.” I think Wild Bill is a much better fit for...

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Reader’s Commentary: Something sinister in our country, left’s hypocrisy

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We have family against family, friend against friend, and a fear in many to speak out about what they think. We have lost our collective trust and...

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Reader’s Commentary: ‘Wayne’s World’ incorrect, Dems botched Afghanistan

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda “Wayne’s World” Johnson, again, proves to us he doesn’t do his homework. Wayne and factual information don’t mix well. But perhaps it isn’t because Wayne is uninformed, but he’s gotten irrational. Maybe it’s more that Johnson’s depression has made him that way. Wayne is depressed. His...

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Reader’s Commentary: Mainstream media ignores trafficking, Harris flip flopping

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Comrade Kamala Harris with her San Francisco values took her “emotional support” vice presidential pick “Tampon Tim” Walz to her first interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. She’s dodged every interview and speaking engagement where teleprompters would not be available. Her own team doesn’t trust...

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Reader’s Commentary: Biden/Harris inflation leads to empty shelves

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Kamala Harris started the week pilfering a good idea from a free market guy, Donald Trump. The idea involves letting people keep more of their money by removing taxes on tips for people in our service sector. Then, Harris had a Marxist idea. It came from...

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Reader’s Commentary: Accusation: Dems covered for Joe Biden

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda We all stumble and fall. But then there are some who are a bit more clumsy. Enter Wayne Johnson who recently has become a caricature of himself. Every sentence he writes to The Voice, now more than ever, bleeds with anger and hate. Donald Trump escaped...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrats have not stopped Donald Trump

By Robert MangersYorkville, Ill. After reading the column by Charles Coddington (Chas) in the August 1 edition of The Voice, I feel compelled to respond to his many points. Please bare with me because I’m not a writer and kind of out of my element. First, I’m not a fan...

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Reader’s Commentary: In defense of Donald Trump; against recent attacks

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve had an unfortunate experience reading an arrogant, hate-filled conspiracy piece in the August 1 edition of The Voice, page 6. It was in the “musings about hate and assassinations” section written by “The Chas” Coddington. One ridiculous assertion of the piece dealt with the attempted...

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Reader’s Voice: Candidates’ forums in Kane County

July 30, 2024Dear editor; As the General Election season is in full swing, the League of Women Voters of Central Kane County is in the process of scheduling forums for area candidates in contested races for Kane County, IL General Assembly and US Congress. Forums are designed to provide a...

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Reader’s Commentary: A challenge to return to civil discourse

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda My family arrived here in the United States in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration. We were refugees from communist Hungary, one of many countries under Russian occupation behind the iron curtain. We escaped a totalitarian regime that thought nothing of executing their people or political rivals...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s dysfunctions have been hidden

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Hans Christian Anderson wrote a satire entitled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It’s a story of two swindlers pulling a fraudulent stunt on a vain King obsessed with fashion and nobility. The two con men tell the King they will create the most exquisite Royal attire...

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