American Legion Post 84 meeting Feb. 14
The Roosevelt – Aurora American Legion Post 84 will be host to a meeting at 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14, at the Post, 1649 Montgomery Road, #7, Aurora. — Roosevelt – Aurora American Legion Post 84...
The Roosevelt – Aurora American Legion Post 84 will be host to a meeting at 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14, at the Post, 1649 Montgomery Road, #7, Aurora. — Roosevelt – Aurora American Legion Post 84...
Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 color guard shows flags for the Legion concert band's season finale performance Sunday, July 21 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Aurora.
Aurora resident and Air Force veteran John Muschler stands Thursday, June 27 during "Salute to the Services" by Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 band. Muschler serves as Post 84s sergeant-at-arms.
Veterans Day will honor all of those who have served the country in war or peace, dead or alive, although it’s largely intended to thank living Veterans for their sacrifices.Please walk with us in the City of Aurora parade, mustering at 9:30 a.m. at Benton and Broadway. Veterans Day, formerly...
The Roosevelt – Aurora American Legion Post 84 (RAP84) will have its monthly meeting from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 13, 1649 Montgomery Road., Suite #7, Aurora The Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission meeting will take place at the RAP84 office, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. The...
By Al Benson Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 band will conclude its season with a concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 30 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 85 S. Constitution Drive in Aurora. Admission and parking are free. Donations will be accepted. The band pays tribute to America’s military by...
Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 Band will perform at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 27, at the Bloomhaven Campus (old Copley Hospital) parking lot, 301 Weston Avenue in Aurora. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free. A limited number of chairs will be available. The concert will mark National...
Roosevelt-Aurora Post 84, based in Aurora, has adapted to circumstances in the time change of the Memorial Day parade in Aurora. The parade this year will begin at 10 a.m. rather than the previous step-off time of noon. Therefore, Post 84 will change times in the annual visits to four...
Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 will be host to its second annual golf outing Wednesday, Sept. 21, at Bliss Creek Golf Course in Sugar Grove with registration and lunch at 10:30 a.m. and with a noon shotgun start. The outing with conclude with a steak dinner at 5:30 p.m. with...
The Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 will be host to Illinois Director of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) Terry Prince at its monthly meeting Friday, Sept. 9 beginning at 8 a.m. at 1 E. Benton Street in Downtown Aurora. Director Prince will discuss the services that IDVA has to offer along with...
Friday, Aug. 12, the Roosevelt- Aurora American Legion Post 84 received a special guest at its monthly breakfast. Donnell Woolford, retired National Football League (NFL) football cornerback for the Chicago Bears joined American Legion members, including State representative Stephanie Kifowit at the Roosevelt-Aurora Post 84 American Legion, 1 East Benton...
The Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 will be host to the 2022 13th Annual LaSalle Street Historic Auto Show Sunday, July 3, on South LaSalle Street, Aurora. The registration for the Auto Show will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., with a presentation and National Anthem at noon and...
To further provide services for Aurora area Veterans, Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post #84 (Post 84) is a partner with Illinois Joining Forces (IJF) and the Dunham Foundation along with the Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC) and other area stakeholders to offer free veteran peer supporter training to Aurora area...
The Aurora Independence Day parade Sunday, July 4 includes veterans organizations’ participation through the streets of downtown Aurora.
By Al Benson With a prayer and toasts, a dozen Aurora veterans held an informal Pearl Harbor memorial Monday, the 79th anniversary of the attack by Japan. Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 was host to the event at its 1 E. Benton Street office. The memorial, sponsored by Navy League...
At the Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8 Buddy Check, Legion Post 84 will host a special guest; RDML Jamie Sands, USN Commander of Naval Service Training Command. To observe the meeting: Call 312-626 6799 and type in: 860 4149 1814 #Join Zoom Meeting;Go to...
The Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84 may be 100 years old, but it is reinventing how it does business. Long ago, Post 84 sold its traditional Post building that had a bar and a hall, and those days are not coming back because the new office will boast a coffee...