It may be easy pickings for some commentators, or partisans, to extricate significant meaning of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan this week following a nearly 20-year occupation. The war truly lasted only a few weeks, after the attack on the World Trade Center September 11, 2001. The occupation was with us for the rest of the nearly 20 years.
Although there have been comparisons of ample troops in both Japan and Germany to troops in Afghanistan, the comparison to U.S. troops in Afghanistan is immeasurably different. The former nations hostile to the U.S. until 1945, German and Japan, changed with the U.S. occupation. The U.S. extended assistance and found reciprocity. The comparisons are dissimilar. The lurking Taliban never wanted U.S. kindness, nor assistance. The Taliban regarded the Afghanistan government as an enemy both in political and religious avenues. With the Taliban giving direction in Afghanistan, it is possible there could be change, or, at least modification. It remains to be seen.The U.S. should be available to engage in world politics, however, military infusion should be on hold.
Clear and Concise, Week 35, Year 2:
From William Arthur Ward, meant for Lent, however, we can practice it any time: We can fast from apparent darkness and feast on the reality of light; fast from anger and feast on patience; fast from pessimism and feast on optimism; fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness. Words of wisdom can be continued.