User-friendly upgrades for Park District’s new website

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The Fox Valley Park District recently announced the release of its new website, a sleek, mobile-friendly design dedicated to enhancing the visitor’s experience.

The new site, which contains the same web address,, as its predecessor, features several user-friendly upgrades, including a mobile-optimized design that allows for easy swiping and scrolling on smartphones and tablets. Improved search and registration functionality make it easier, and quicker, for visitors to gather information.

According to Park District analysis, about 60% of all visitors in 2018 accessed the site through their phones.

“This is the first time we’ve designed the site from a mobile-first perspective,” said Dan Leahy, the District’s director of marketing and communications. “Residents and guests can now skip the line and go online for all of their Park District fun.”

The District’s website received more than 1.2 Million pageviews in 2018, and was visited by nearly 330,000 new users. Other features of the upgraded site include:

• Facility-specific landing pages for popular District destinations, such as Blackberry Farm, Red Oak Nature Center, Fox Fitness, and outdoor aquatic centers

• Virtual program guide, an online version of the District’s Adventure Playbooks, which are printed seasonally;

• Events calendar;

• Interactive park maps;

• Online ticket and pass sales;

• One-click language translation.

“Our website serves as the District’s 24/7 resource for guest information and services,” Leahy said. “This release represents a vast improvement in terms of the user experience. The site also represents a major upgrade in terms of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Site navigation and functions support keyboard-only commands and enhance operation for individuals with disabilities. This is in alignment with the District’s mission to support social equity and access for all.”

The Fox Valley Park District wants to hear from visitors to the site.

For comments or questions, send to
—Fox Valley Park District

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