Variety and family information in The Voice, as usual, this week includes:
•Theatre is important to most communities.
•The focus is for both Paramount Theatre and the building of the Stolp Island Theatre.
•Both are in Aurora, however, it promotes more than just Aurora theatres. They are for the Midwest.
•They are more than just the Fox River Valley and even more than the State.
•The Theatres have most prices available for most residents. Watching for special items is important.
•Other items: Focus on Black history February 17 and St. Charles Student Art Show.
•The Newbery Award Selection Committee focus by Andrea Tiberi.
•Reader’s Voice for letters. This week is the road to equality, peace.
•Valentine’s Day/Galentine’s Day and a portal to children’s mental; health.
•There are sports standings, scores, and feature articles.
•Communities’ Voice, at least once each month is by Marissa Amoni.
•The Grand Canyon truly a grand experience is a feature by Jo Fredell Higgins.
•Drinking water sustainability.
•Feature articles, this week is in opposition, by Wayne Johnson and Bela “Bill” Suhayda,
•Mr. Suhayda’s origin is from 1956 and the uprising in Hungary against Russian influence.
•He was a young teenager and arrived with family to start a new life.
•Much of his experience is a part of longstanding United States history.
•Much is repeated in U.S. growth.