Visiting Nurses at Diabetes Club

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By Russ George

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is meeting Thursday, April 13, at the historic Gray’s Mill Estate, 211 N. River Street, Montgomery.

Meeting and dinner will be held in the Third Floor Banquet Room. Dinner is off the menu at 5:30 p.m. and meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.. Guests are always welcome!

Community liaison, Elisa Lara, RN, from the Visiting Nurses Association, will speak about the VNA’s Diabetes Educational Center and how they help diabetic patients.

The newly-formed Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is currently getting acquainted with various organizations in the Fox Valley area, which provides services to area diabetics, to see how they can be of help.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley was established with a mission, to support efforts to prevent and find a cure for diabetes. Our purpose, is to raise funds to aid those who work in research and/or education regarding diabetes, and to assist those with diabetes in any way we can. Our vision, is to have a world free of diabetes.

Upcoming meetings and events:

  • Thursday, May 11, membership meeting. We will discuss and finalize our Summer fundraising and awareness events.
  • Saturday, Aug. 5 – Kane County Cougars Baseball Game/Fireworks, Northwestern Medicine Field, Kirk Road, Geneva, 6:30 p.m.. Game contact Jenny McCain 630-204-1197 for tickets, $15 per person.
  • Friday, Sept. 1, Diabetes Club of Fox Valley golf outing, Fox Bend Golf Club, 3516 US-34, Oswego, 12:30 p.m. shotgun tee off, lunch, golf/cart and dinner, $130.00.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with 43 dedicated individuals, who want to bring an awareness of diabetes, provide aid and education for diabetics, along with investing in research to find a cure.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations and fundraising, will be used within the Fox Valley area to support the Club’s diabetic causes.

Want to help us fight diabetes locally? Mail your tax deductible donation to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, IL 60542.

Want to join our fight against diabetes? Individual tax deductible yearly membership dues are $50.00.

Have questions on the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, or wish to join us, please contact, president Russ George, cell/text: 630-205-9065, or send E-mail:

— Diabetes Club of Fox Valley

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