Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is once again hosting the Feed the Need! MobilePack event, inviting volunteers to pack more than 800,000 life-saving meals during several shifts on March 8 and 9 at Benedictine University in Lisle. By working with others to scoop rice, soy, dried vegetables, vitamins and minerals, volunteers can help save the lives of needy children around the world.
Volunteer shifts are two hours long and offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to positively affect hundreds of lives in a short time. Kids as young as five can sign up to volunteer, so this is a perfect introduction to giving back for families and school groups. Shifts are available at the following times:
•Saturday, March 8: Noon to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.; or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
•Sunday, March 9: 10 a.m. to noon
Hosted by Benedictine University, the annual MobilePack is organized by a coalition of DuPage, Will and Kane-county area churches, civic organizations, businesses, schools, community groups and individuals. Since 2011, Feed the Need! volunteers across the country have packed meals to save lives, and this year, the effort will surpass 10 million meals.
Gerald Subaru of Naperville and North Aurora, the event’s premier partner, has donated supplies for 70,000 meals for volunteers to pack before they will be sealed, boxed and shipped around the world. More than 40 partners and sponsors make this event possible, and organizers invite you and your group to join the list.
“We’re seeking more churches, businesses and civic groups to participate with volunteers and funding so we can reach our meal production goals to feed starving kids and families,” said Matt Hebel, chairman of the Feed the Need! MobilePack. “We can’t wait to see the Rice Center filled with so many generous volunteers packing food, saving lives and giving hope!”
The annual MobilePack invites all interested volunteers to sign up, create meals and save lives. To volunteer, visit feedtheneedillinois.org or fmsc.org, or just show up ready to help!
—Feed My Starving Children