Kane County Clerk John A. Cunningham’s Vote Mobile van is in place for a began a five-day visit to Aurora Monday. Early voting was held Monday through Wednesday at Jewel-Osco, 1952 W. Galena Boulevard and continues from Thursday through Friday at Prisco Community Center, 150 W. Illinois Avenue in Aurora, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Vote Mobile will go to Jewel Osco, 1660 Larkin Avenue in Elgin, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 15-16, and to Jewel-Osco, 1250 W. Main Street in West Dundee, Feb. 17-18. Early voting for the consolidated primary election February 23 began January 14 at the Kane County Clerk’s office in Geneva and the Aurora satellite office, 5 E. Downer Place. Al Benson/The Voice