West Aurora madrigal concerts

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Vivian Fuller, left, is among singing servers during West Aurora High School’s 37th annual madrigal concerts Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14-15. Al Benson/The Voice
King Quincy Ivory, left, shares a joke with jester Graham Butler during West Aurora High School’s 37th annual madrigal concerts Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14-15. Al Benson/The Voice

Celebrating the holidays, West Aurora High School students staged their 37th annual madrigal concerts last weekend. A dinner concert Saturday evening was followed by a dessert concert Sunday afternoon.

Volunteers converted the student cafeteria to a Medieval-style great hall for the event.

Quincy Ivory and Julie Popplewell reigned as king and queen.

Cast members in period costumes included 25 Madrigal Singers, 36 singing servers and a five-piece Royal Brass.

West culinary arts students prepared the menus under direction of Linda Brennan, head royal chef.

Concert directors were Brian Smith, Madrigal Singers; Lydia Walsh-Rock, Singing Servers; and John Sierakowski, Madrigal Brass. Also, Sean Tait was castle manager and Emmy Winter was Wizard of Flashes and Booms.

—Al Benson

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