I read that by 2050 (by which date I will no longer care because I’ll be worm food) our oceans will contain, by weight, more trash plastics than fish, which is both good and bad: Good, because discarded Barbies are easier to catch, but bad because they’re more difficult to fillet. Since I didn’t want to begin by immediately grumbling about Donald Trump I thought I’d throw that in.
Speaking of the slimy orange blob that will soon officially be our next president, he’s already stoking up hate fires against immigrants and rousing his minions by claiming the sicko who drove trough the New Orleans crowd on New Year’s Eve was an immigrant, confirming what he’s said repeatedly: That immigrants were pet-eating murderous criminals. Unfortunately for Donny Dum-Dum, the guy was a born-and-raised-here American veteran. Trump added that it was the fault of the Democrats for not taking illegal immigration seriously even though he’s the one who forced the House to kill a bill that contained a solution worked out by Dems and Republicans. The future Buffoon-in-Chief should get his facts straight before he puts his stubby fingers on his phone. Looks like this is what we can expect from Trump 2.0, which is no different than Trump 1.0 who was booted out of office by voters.
Although we knew his days with us were growing short, it was sad to lose Jimmy Carter. I didn’t vote for him, and jumped for joy when he wasn’t re-elected, replaced by Ronald Reagan. I thought of Ronny as the great savior of our country. But over the years my attitude changed as I recognized the good things Jimmy did in office that were mostly overlooked, and the actions Reagan performed that gradually made him less savior-like in my eyes. Even a small thing such as removing the solar panels Jimmy had installed was an indication of things to come.
The best thing old fat boy Donny T. could say about Jimmy’s passing was that it was good he died while Biden was president. Yeah, there was some kind of heart-felt message about Carter’s passing from Trump, obviously written by somebody else because Trump’s heart was flushed away by an enema in his childhood. Now he’s grumbling about the flags being at half-mast in tribute to Jimmy and how his death will spoil his inauguration. Mr. Warmth. Won’t it be nice to have a convicted felon, sex offender and insurrectionist in the highest office as the symbol of our country and what we stand for as Americans?
Take an unbiased look at the differences in the lives of Carter and Trump. Jimmy was raised in a family that was respected throughout the community for their commitment to making it a better place for everyone. Trump was raised in a family that was committed to getting rich at the expense of anyone. Carter served 10 years in the Navy, while Trump’s father called in a favor from a doctor friend to list bone spurs on his medical record so Donny could dodge the draft and later claim veterans were suckers and losers. Carter, once in office, tried to do what he could to benefit the American people. Trump, once in office, says the first thing he’ll do is take revenge on his enemies, pardon all those gentle people who stormed the Capitol and beat officers January 6, and make cuts to Social Security and Welfare to cover the cost of fewer taxes for the wealthy. Hey, it has to come from somewhere.
The difference between these two presidents is like the difference between Mother Theresa and Vlad the Impaler. The White House will be disrespected and desecrated once again with stain of the Trumps, but it should provide some good skit material for Saturday Night Live.
Happy 2025!