What comes next: Taxes for churches?

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April 6, 2020
Dear editor,

Homosexuality is a choice lifestyle which spreads HIV, and sexual diseases. These diseases are contagious and ongoing social and medical problems which touches individuals and families. Still, our government legalized homosexual marriage.

The Center for Disease Control states that there are more than 700,000 homosexuals who are infected with HIV within the United States. Some infected homosexuals have sex with women to cause a more severe spreading of the diseases. Homosexual behavior causes hepatitis, syphilis, and other diseases. Yet, the American government allows homosexuals to work in dentistry, restaurants, hospitals, children’s schools.

The supposed American government awarded a group of people whose behavior spreads numerous, even deadly diseases, with licenses. The liberal-owned media produced ongoing propaganda for gay rights and gay marriage. Obviously these organizations do not care about the health of Americans. When will they be shut down?

The mandatory shut down of churches in certain cities and states is a well planned war on religion. Christianity must be outed, replaced with the New World Order plan for a world wide spiritual temple. And, of course, the question of taxation is probably already on the table. I can see the Feds, IMF, and community banks lobbying the Congress to mandate their right to oversee this needed income.

Given the surrender we are witnessing in the Catholic Church, taxation will just be “flu II”. Personally, I think this flu could be 9/11 II.

Joan Solms, Aurora

One Reply to “What comes next: Taxes for churches?”

  1. Of all the diseases human kind has had to face in our history, none has caused more panic and human suffering than judge-mentalism and hatred. Christ taught us to love one another. When will religions created by man learn to follow Christ’s teachings? Some people just love to hate. I pray for you.

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